Monday 9 March 2009


Unemployment's now been 5 months and it's doing my nut in. It wouldn't be so bad if Loyd's bank hadn't offered me a job the other day, and then withdrew the offer before the paperwork arrived!

As for UK unemployment benefit law get this...I am not entitled to job seekers allowance as I have been unemployed in the last two years and I didn't claim, so my class 1 national insurance payments didn't get made. This was caused by me deciding not to claim off the state on a previous occasion, and the fact that I have been paying National Insurance contributions for the last 22 years doesn't matter as they only look at the last two years records.

So if you have only lived in the UK for 2 years and paid your contributions during those 2 years you can claim if you are them made unemployed, but I can't.

If that's just then I'm a purple spotted llama.

Thursday 20 November 2008

What a joke

It if wasn't so tragic it would pobably be funny, but I can't bring myself to laugh quite yet - I'm still working on it. It's been a strange couple of years, and now to cap it all the Company I have bled for has let me go without a by your leave.

So I end up back in Matrimonial Court to discuss whether I should stil be paying £1,500 month in maintenance, bearing in mind my net worth is now less than £3,000, and instead of reducing my payments to nil until I find another job they order that I pay £350 month from now on.

So with a monthly rent of £1,000 I reckon I'll be back in court by the end of the year having run out of money.

Now if my ex didn't have any money and was on the bread line, and my three children were starving to death I might understand the decision. But the fact is that she earns over £2k before she even gets out of bed each month, has £80k in savings, and a house in Hungary worth £195K. Oh and let's not forget the trust fund set up with the money from the divorce that pays for two of my sons to go to boarding school - oh yes she is so broke.

And can I find a job, can I b******s, although I don't think I can blame the recession on her quite yet!

Anyway spleen vented, I may find something more positive to write about anon.